Yea! I’m SO NOT All Natural!
So who else is guilted by all the people in your life that get to put their head on the pillow every night and know that their kid didn’t ingest some toxic cleanser that day?! We all know those people. They’re the same ones who grew their own organic beef. They also have some kind of magic give a crap power I don’t seem to have. So I decided to feel like them. Just for one day. I drank the blue kool-aid! Although, somehow, I don’t think I did it as well or as cute as they would have. But hey, as a result here are the 5 hilarious steps to making your own homemade cleaning products.
1. Decide to Stop Being Lazy:
I’m pretty sure this is the hardest step on this list. Getting up off my butt after thinking after thinking about doing this for umm… forever, was about the most difficult part. It requires writing down a shopping list, doing a bit of research, finding the recipes that don’t make you want to kill yourself and actually setting down your laptop. I know. The struggle is real!
But in all seriousness, get on Pinterest. I have pinned a lot of great recipes on my For Health board. Follow the For Health board for some easy to find and easy to do recipes. I’m all about easy! I’m not going to give you the recipes here mostly because that takes way too long and as seen above I’m way too lazy. Click here though. I promise the recipes are abundant. Go through and choose the ones you like. That’s on you… I can’t do everything for you now!
2. Go Buy A Bunch of Crap You Might Not Use:
Rent a U-Haul and head to the Dollar Store! I didn’t have any clue at all what they were going to look like when I was done mixing so I just bought a whole bunch of random containers and do-hickies that I thought would work for my experiment. Hey, it’s the dollar store. You’ll find something to do with them and they were only $1.
Next step… the oh so favorite trip to the store. Being so not all natural made me also so not know what the heck I was looking for or where to find it. Most everything like Borax, Washing Soda, Baking Soda, Vinegar, Fels Naptha, Lemons, Rosemary, etc can be bought at Walmart. Booyah!
We already had some of this stuff at home so we didn’t have to draw on our kids college fund this time, but if you’re starting from scratch and making a bunch of recipes this can get expensive. Stores like Walmart don’t have essential oils so I headed to our local Fresh Thyme to finish up my list. Umm…. yeah that was a lot overwhelming! I’m in the aisles all like… What in the world is hemp seed oil and why does this toothpaste say gluten free?
Needless to say, it was a lot to take in. Many of the recipes I saw called for Dr. Bronners Castille soap. I reached out to one of those moms {that make me feel bad about myself } to ask her where she gets hers with no answer. So I had to set out on my own. I figured it would be with the cleaning supplies. NOPE! It’s in health and beauty?? The big bottles are expensive and some were already infused. The recipes don’t call for that much so I was able to buy 3 of the sample sizes for the same price as the one big bottle I wouldn’t have needed anyways. Mom Win! P.S. I still had a ton of leftovers. Of everything!
3. Empty Half of Your Kitchen Cabinets:
Olive oil, lemon juice, dried rosemary, measuring cups…. it’s a bunch of stuff you need. I pretty much just dumped the entire contents of my kitchen cabinets onto the counters. It was easier that way. You’ll also need mixing bowls if you’re mixing wet and dry stuff together. We all need more dishes right?
4. Make a Huge Mess of Your Kitchen:
I didn’t even let the kids help and there was a white powder disaster all over the counters. Quick tip: If you’re not stupid like me you’ll realize that the squirt bottles have some numbers on the side. If you’re good at Math they’ll actually help your recipe making process much easier. If you’re me, and you hate all things Math… you probably didn’t think of that, til your smarty pants husband pointed it out. Oh, and one great part about making a mess of your kitchen… your toddler will come in and spread the powder all over the counter and the floor. But it’s cool. You just made the cleaning products you need to pick it up and they won’t die if they eat it this time! Win Win!
5. Now Use Them!
Or don’t. You just did a lot of work. Revert back to number 1 and go sit back down. I kid! Give them a shot and see what you think. Maybe don’t throw out your old skull and cross bone cleaning supplies quite yet until you’re in love. Who knows if you actually followed the recipe correctly! Or maybe just say FORGET IT! Toss everything! Then go sit down. Just buy them from someone else!

Allison and her partner Leigh are from my hometown in New York and they sell these awesome all natural beauty products! They are so much cooler than I will ever be! Remember that pretty packaging and super cuteness I talked about? They totally have it together! Can’t you just smell these through your screen! Check them out at Klen Shop!
Yeah, it might be better just to buy this stuff from someone else!
Have you ever made your own cleaning products? Are you an all natural so together chic like Allison? How do you do it? Help me please!
I’ve never done my own cleaning products but I DO make my own deoderant. Equal parts coconut oil, baking soda, and corn starch. And YES it actually works really well! And lasts forever. (I was super skeptical at first because I sweat SO MUCH, but I am a total convert now!)
HA! Should I attempt to make my own beauty products next? Coconut oil is a huge untapped item for me. I’ve heard it has so many great uses. Maybe I’ll give it a shot one day!
Haha! This was hilarious! I tried it once, but I just couldn’t bring myself to put forth that much effort. It’s hard enough clean, don’t make me concoct my own cleaning products! And as long as I can keep my kids from licking the floor (which is oddly difficult sometimes), I’m okay with this. 🙂
That’s awesome! Thanks for the giggle this morning Samantha!
I know.. it is hard to keep your kids from licking the floor! 😉